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Ancre 2

The ArUco : the new device for identifying moving objects over long distances

Many applications 

- Inventory of stocks: a significant saving of time because there is no need to approach a commodity to scan it to identify it.

- Maritime transport: identification of containers, mafis and goods entering and leaving ships.

- Rail transport: identification of wagons entering and leaving the site with their position and the positions of the containers placed on the wagons.


It is a simple device to set up, inexpensive and like QR Codes, ArUco can be configured to communicate information on the goods, for example its dangerousness, instructions relating to its handling, etc. .

The ArUco is a simplified QR Code whose great advantage is that it can be scanned in motion and from a long distance. Thus the goods, containers and wagons that pass in front of a scanning device (fixed or mobile) can be identified and located, like a barcode scan of a product at a supermarket checkout.

This technology goes even further because several ArUco can be scanned simultaneously.

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